Thursday, 4 March 2010

'You Tube' parody strengthens the resolve of the Home Information Pack industry

It is a mixed up and rather bizarre world and one that never ceases to amaze.

On the one hand we have the Conservative Party treating property professionals within the home information pack industry like naughty school boys for having in their eyes the audacity to participate in some political lobbying, and on the other hand we have a certain international public affairs company who seem more interested in saving political face than honouring client confidentiality. Mixed in with this, and perhaps in some way connected, we have someone out there hiding behind a secret identity constructing and publishing a You Tube parody that on close scrutiny would in any other environment be seen as a vehicle delivering defamatory content.

On a personal level I find the lack of respect and professionalism disappointing though perhaps not surprising given an ever increasing hunger for power and wealth. This I suppose is what many call ‘real life’.

So where in this ‘real life’ does this leave the home information pack industry? Some would like to think the industry has been damaged by recent events and is now on the verge of imploding. Nice thought for those who continue to ignore rational and intellectual argument and push for the abolition of the HIP. However events of this type often have the reverse effect. They often galvanise thoughts and make those affected more united in their aims and objectives.

Statements included within the You Tube parody throwing doubt on the effectiveness of the HIP and claiming the industry has failed to produce any objective evidence to support its case can only serve to fuel a greater and more focused effort on the part of the pro-HIP supporters to ensure the voting public is educated about the aim of the HIP and to make it clear that life without the HIP will be far more costly and stressful.

The industry is full of hard working businessmen who conduct themselves in a dignified and professional manner and who despite the efforts of some will continue to act in this way as they do all they can to preserve a product they believe in, as well as protecting established and well run businesses, jobs and livelihoods. At the end of the day as Grant Shapps has said himself it will be down to the electorate to show through voting whether his policy on HIPs is one they agree with or not. With the closing of the parties within the polls this effort will surely now focus on those marginal seats.

The lesson to be learned is that the HIP industry should not allow itself to be dragged down to the same pitiful level that seems to be norm for those who continue to use backhanded tactics in an effort to derail a proper and democratic lobbying campaign.

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